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Fuchs and POS TUNING report on successful projects

At EHI Retail Design Conference in Cologne on September 17/18, 2019 the two companies POS TUNING and the Fuchs Group reported on their long-standing partnership within the framework of their presentation and let the audience participate in the jointly implemented and future projects.

POS TUNING Head of Marke­ting Kris­tin Kolbe-Schade presen­ted the follo­wing topic toge­ther with R. Thomas Krüger, Head of Field Sales Grocery at TEUTO Marken­ver­trieb GmbH (a company of the Fuchs Group):

Shop­ping expe­ri­ence and shop­per orien­ta­tion in the complex spices cate­gory

Mr. Krüger, with his exper­tise in the spices sector, knows about the diffi­cul­ties of this cate­gory at the point of sale. In addi­tion to an enorm­ous product variety and thus also diffi­cult orien­ta­tion for the shop­per, the low shop­ping frequency (every 9 weeks) is a chall­enge, as the shop­per is rarely at the shelf. In addi­tion shop­per want emotio­na­lity and expe­ri­ence at the POS.

This is why Fuchs deve­lo­ped its own furni­ture with POS TUNING push­feed systems a long time ago. The furni­ture is made of wood and of very high quality. Due to the push­feed systems, the products are always on the shelf front and easily visi­ble and reacha­ble. Both brand messa­ges and the names of subca­te­go­ries are displayed on the furni­ture as orien­ta­tion aids.

“By conver­ting to a spices presen­ta­tion with push­feed systems from POS TUNING, we achie­ved at least a 20 percent increase in turno­ver and the invest­ment paid for itself very quickly,” Mr. Krüger infor­med the audi­ence. “Our field service is also abso­lut­ely convin­ced by the systems and prai­ses the signi­fi­cant time savings in refil­ling and shelf main­ten­ance,” he added.

Kris­tin Kolbe-Schade also repor­ted on studies in other cate­go­ries which, in addi­tion to quan­ti­ta­tive succes­ses, also showed that shop­pers and store employees said in inter­views that the cate­gory had become more attrac­tive and that they were very satis­fied with the shop­ping conve­ni­ence and easier shelf main­ten­ance.

In the future, Fuchs and POS TUNING are plan­ning joint new projects in the areas of inno­va­tion, displays and digi­ta­liza­tion. Kris­tin Kolbe-Schade sums up the core message of the two part­ner compa­nies: “Before conver­ting the point of sale into a shop­ping expe­ri­ence with many high­lights, you should first do the basics. Shop­pers want visi­bi­lity, orien­ta­tion, acces­si­bi­lity and avai­la­bi­lity. Then you should create addi­tio­nal emotio­nal messa­ges and atmo­sphere and always pick up new trends”.

Erfolgreiche Projekte mit der Fuchs Gruppe